Ignoring the obvious in urban education

On Op-Ed in today’s New York Times by Helen Ladd, a professor of public policy and economics at Duke, and Edward Fiske, a former education editor of The New York Times, tackles the issue of the lagging performance of urban schools in America today. Entitled “Class matters. Why won’t we…

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Fate of Textile Memorial Bridge

Below is a video produced by CopleyMedia , once again providing an interesting glimpse of Lowell. With the construction of a replacement bridge in progress, the historic Textile Memorial Bridge is slated to be demolished for salvage metal. The bridge was named in honor of 16 veteran’s who attended Lowell…

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While in Washington this past summer, I finally made it to the National Postal Museum (pictured above and below) which is part of the Smithsonian Institution and is located right next to Union Station in what was once the city’s main postal building. Although small, the museum was inspirational, showing…

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Pres. Candidate Huntsman’s Daughters at UMass Lowell, 12/19

These young women have drawn attention for their creative campaigning for their dad, including their spoof of the Herman (Who?) Cain man-smoking-a-cigarette political ad. After Mitt Romney’s $10,000 bet with Tex Perry at last night’s debate and Newt’s splurging surge, maybe Jon Huntsman will finally get his 15 minutes in the GOP…

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Daytime TV

My 17 days of face-down recuperation from an eye injury ended yesterday. Vision is gradually returning and it’s now OK to resume normal activities. Just in time; I was becoming addicted to daytime TV. A webcam projecting the television image onto a flatscreen monitor on the floor handled the mechanics…

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