Lowell Historical Society Annual Meeting ~ Saturday May 10, 2014

Annual Meeting of the Lowell Historical Society Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 2:00PM Pollard Memorial Library Community Room /Ground Floor Brief Business Meeting  / Election of Officers and Directors Followed by a Presentation “Treasures Uncovered: Highlights of the Municipal Archives” Join Lowell Historical Society’s Vice-President Kim Zunino for an introduction to…

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Lowell Week in Review: May 4, 2014

Here’s my review of political events in Lowell this past week: BIKE LANES For Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Mayor Rodney Elliott and Councilor Rita Mercier filed a joint motion to abolish the bike lanes that were installed on Father Morissette Boulevard last summer. This prompted a big turnout by local…

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Khmer Post USA gala celebration

Nearly 300 people gathered last night at a community celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month sponsored by the Khmer Post USA, the Lowell-based Cambodian language newspaper that has circulation throughout New England and the mid-Atlantic states. Held at the Hong Kong Restaurant at 308 Westford Street in…

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‘South Common’ by Martha Norkunas

In her book Monuments and Memory: History and Representation in Lowell, Massachusetts (Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002), Martha Norkunas, Ph.D., writes about the South Common: “In 1845 the mayor of Lowell, Elisha Huntington, recognized that the city needed open public spaces beyond those of the Lowell Cemetery. The city purchased ten…

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