RFP for Smith Baker Center

Any ideas for the reuse of the Smith Baker Center?  You have until January 29 to submit your proposal. CITY OF LOWELL – PROPERTY FOR SALE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 412 MERRIMACK STREET The City of Lowell will receive sealed Proposals for the sale and disposition of a certain property located…

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City Council Meeting: January 13, 2015

Mayor Elliott and Councilor Mercier are not present (they are visiting Cambodia). Council discussing report on vacancy rates in downtown.  Acknowledge that there are challenges beyond the control of the city.  For example, the city found a tenant for a large retail space that is vacant but the building owner…

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Lowell Week in Review: January 11, 2015

Boston 2024 Will the Summer Olympics come to Boston nine years from now?  I certainly hope so.  When I first heard of the possibility many months ago I was skeptical but then I spoke with State Senator Eileen Donoghue who convincingly made the case for all the benefits that would…

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“Of those to whom much is given, much is required.” ~ January 9, 1961 ~ JFK’s Farewell to the Massachusetts Legislature

Yesterday in his Inaugural Address, newly-sworn-in Governor Charlie Baker reminded us that on that rostrum in that Chamber, John F. Kennedy addressed the  Legislature and the people of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as he took his leave to become the 35th President of the United States. He noted ~ “Decades…

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Social Network Analysis of Lowell

Social network analysis looks at how people and organizations are connected and interact.  People who are active in their community, political or otherwise, engage in a type of informal social network analysis without thinking about it much. I’ve long been interested in how Lowell “works” and from time to time…

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