Lowell Week in Review: May 14, 2017

“Murder Manhunt in Lowell” For two days this week, that was the lead story on every news outlet in the region. I won’t get into the crime or the police response right now. Instant analysis might be OK for sporting events, but complex societal issues like violence against women, criminal…

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Lowell City Council Meeting: May 9, 2017

(Mayor Kennedy and Councilor Leahy are absent tonight). 2018 Capital Plan presentation by City Manager Murphy. Based priorities on motions that were filed by councilors during the past year. Total is $15mil including $3.2mil for lighting which includes replacing thousands of lights with LED bulbs. This should yield a 65…

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Lowell Week in Review: May 7, 2017

Jim Milinazzo opts out The announcement by Jim Milinazzo that he would not seek reelection to the Lowell City Council brings local politics to the forefront this week. With all eight of his council colleagues apparently running again, having a “vacancy” in the incumbent lineup changes the dynamics of the…

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Farewell, Uncle Tommy

One of my uncles passed away yesterday at 97 years old. In my family he was always “Uncle Tommy,” Thomas C. Brady of Lowell, raised along the Concord River and longtime resident of Centralville. He was in the US Navy in WWII, serving in the Atlantic and Pacific on ships…

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