Poem for Orthodox Easter

A special poem for National Poetry Month. Thomas Fitzsimmons (1926-2017) was born in Lowell and attended Lowell High School (he left to join the Merchant Marine but later earned a diploma elsewhere). Here’s a bit about his life from his obituary in the Santa Fe New Mexican newspaper: “He is…

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City Council Preview: April 22, 2019

Preview of tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting by Mimi Parseghian. City Council is back in session this week and so is the repetitive agenda item of Executive Session to discuss “Matter of litigation, namely Huot et al. vs City of Lowell, public discussion of which could have a detrimental…

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Lowell Roundup: April 15, 2019

I am still pitch hitting for Dick!  The City Council is not meeting this week.  It has become standard practice to cancel the Spring School Vacation Week meeting.  Last week’s meeting featured major information on construction projects throughout the City There was an update on the City’s Construction Projects.  The…

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Sports Sunday Roundup

JoJo White in his prime. In the spirit of those Boston Globe columnists who would fill a hole in the paper with a Just Thinkin’ piece, here are some thoughts about local sports. One of the best Boston sports days is Patriots Day with the Marathon and Red Sox as…

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