The following was distributed earlier today as my weekly Substack newsletter on Lowell politics. If you’d like to receive this weekly update by email in the future, sign up here. **** In my newsletter of August 27, 2023, I reviewed the Lowell City Council’s discussion of the possible use of the…
The following was distributed earlier today as my weekly Substack newsletter on Lowell politics. If you’d like to receive this weekly update by email in the future, sign up here. **** The Lowell City Council held a special meeting on Monday, August 28, 2023, to continue work on the proposed Accessory…
My friend, teacher, and co-conspirator in Lowell things Charles Nikitopoulos passed away in 2019. He loved poetry and had a long shelf of skinny poetry books at home. He wrote poems when the spirit moved him. He was also a committed gardener with flowers and vegetables in a home garden…
A Star on Prince Street By Louise Peloquin On March 1, 1826, Lowell was incorporated as a town. The run-up to the bicentennial is a propitious time to “meet” people who have contributed to our hometown’s cultural heritage. Let’s take peeks into the past with posts on Louis-Alphonse Biron, an…
The following was distributed earlier today as my weekly Substack newsletter on Lowell politics. If you’d like to receive this weekly update by email in the future, sign up here. **** There was no Lowell City Council meeting last week so today we’ll catch up on some other items. The city…
The following was distributed earlier today as my weekly Substack newsletter on Lowell politics. If you’d like to receive this weekly update by email in the future, sign up here. **** The Accessory Dwelling Unit zoning ordinance amendment was to be the big topic at Tuesday’s Lowell City Council meeting, but…
Paul Hudon of Lowell is the author of Lower Merrimack, an illustrated history of our region, and All in Good Time, a collection of poems. A past contributor to this blog, he returns with a meditation on time, place, and memory. Today, he remembers growing up in East Pawtucketville and…
This Saturday, August 5, 2023, at 10am, I’ll be leading a Lowell Walk of the North Common andd the Acre. The walk begins at the Murkland School and will last approximately 90 minutes. It’s free and no advanced registration is required. Just show up that morning prepared to hear some…
The following was distributed earlier today as my weekly Substack newsletter on Lowell politics. If you’d like to receive this weekly update by email in the future, sign up here. **** Tuesday’s Lowell City Council meeting was dominated by the debate over Accessory Dwelling Units. That was the only substantive…
The following was originally posted on today’s Substack newsletter. In the future, I will continue transmitting my weekly Lowell Politics newsletter via Substack at 4am on Sundays, but will publish the same content here on a few hours later. **** I was away last week and was unable to…