Lynne at Left in Lowell posted about yesterday’s Harvest Festival at Rotary Park, the Mill City Grows coming out party that knocked the garden boots off everybody who attended. What a fabulous event, and what a fantastic symbol of where Lowell is going with its invigorated neighborhood and community activism.…
This will be a great event for young leaders to attend—participants in Public Matters, Gr Lwl Young Professionals, Next Generation Giving Circle, Paul Sullivan Leadership Institute, Emerging Generation, Deshpande/MV Sandbox leadership program, the Foundation, and others. Peter Stamas’s life is a sterling example of community leadership. . Here is what…
John Silber, the former president of Boston University and the 1990 Democratic nominee for governor of Massachusetts died yesterday. The Globe has a big story about Silber’s passing and I’ll leave it to that newspaper to record the highlights of his life, but I thought readers might be interested in…
Just to follow up on Marie’s observations about the Lowell Plan breakfast this morning, I want to mention that the Lowell Plan is a membership organzation if anyone is wondering. The LP is the living breathing example of an action strategy that Lowell calls “public-private partnership,” which is a way…
That’s the title of the new Lowell Plan video that was unveiled at this morning’s breakfast. I’ve embedded the video below for your viewing, but before pressing “play”, here’s a preview of what you’ll see: The 6+ minute video features an upbeat musical track but no narration. Instead, there’s a…
Just a few quick comments… The Lowell Plan Breakfast was well-worth my getting up and out early this morning. Good vibes – good information. The Mayor was sharp and quite charming in the way he handled the usual “my colleagues in government” thing; the Manager had the updated facts and…
We have tours of Lowell Cemetery this weekend: Friday, September 28, 2012 at 1 pm Saturday, September 29, 2012 at 10 am Both begin at the Knapp Avenue entrance and take about 90 minutes to complete. The weather forecast is for showers on both days and the tours will go…
Jim Sullivan, who served as the city manager of Lowell and Cambridge and as the head of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, has passed away. He and his wife, Anne, had recently moved to New Jersey to be closer to one of their daughters. Their Rindo Park Drive home, which…
It’s strange to read some of the commentary about the presidential election as it looks at the end of September. To read some of the analysts, especially on the anti-government side of the spectrum, you would think that Gov Romney’s only problem is in the tactics. If only he had…