Current Events

Fair Treatment

One thing all of us want is to be treated fairly. Monkeys want to be treated fairly too as is evident from the experiment depicted in the following video: [youtube]HK8Mp3OJYjk[/youtube] The above is actually a short portion of a TED talk given by Frans de Waal, an expert on primate…

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Surrogate Fail

At 7:15 am, I’m bouncing between Iceland-Hungary playing team handball and watching President Obama’s surrogate Robert Gibbs on Morning Joe trying to explain the Obama plan for getting the country back on track—and Gibbs is talking like somebody put a nickel in his back to get a print-out answer. Fail. The…

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A note to our iPad readers

Last week I installed an application on this blog that detects what type of device visitors are using to view this site. If it’s a mobile device such as a smart phone or a tablet such as an iPad, this new application reformats the content of the blog and sends…

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“Meanderings” by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters sent along the following: My dog is teaching me how to die. Not in the immediate future, of course, but when it naturally happens. She has been an incredibly great dog, named Frances Cabot Lowell (not Francis, like the father of modern Lowell, she is after…

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Barney Frank & Glen Johnson

About a month ago I opened the Sunday Boston Globe and saw an ad for an event that would feature Globe political reporter Glen Johnson (who used to work at the Lowell Sun) interviewing outgoing Congressman Barney Frank. While attending would require traveling to Morrissey Boulevard and the Globe’s headquarters,…

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Meanderings by Jim Peters

Frequent contributor Jim Peters shares this essay: I was watching television this evening, the news on ABC to be exact, and Michael Bloomberg, the Mayor of the City of New York was featured for a new program in the city. Bloomberg has, apparently, dictated that new mothers be given a…

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