Current Events

President Obama in Cambodia

With a large part of Lowell’s population either from Cambodia or of Cambodian descent, we should pay particular attention to the first-ever visit to Cambodia by a sitting U.S. President. Here are some stories about the visit from that region’s media: From the Phnomh Penh Post: “Obama’s meeting with Cambodia’s…

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Hurricane Sandy death toll and causes

The New York Times yesterday had a story and graphic that identified the 97 people who perished in the New York/New Jersey region during Hurricane Sandy. It also listed their causes of death which I found very instructive. Here are the causes of death, listed in order of frequency: Drowning…

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For Lowell and the Merrimack Valley: Reflecting on the Gospel Concert of Thanksgiving

Eliot Presbyterian Church Sanctuary, Lowell MA This afternoon over 150 people in a diverse audience gathered in the main sanctuary of  Lowell’s Eliot Presbyterian Church found a teriffic way to begin the season of Thanksgiving. With the welcoming words of  CTI Executive Director Karen Frederick who reminded all that “the 1800 familes…

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Made in Lowell

Late yesterday morning I walked down to the UML Inn & Conference Center to visit the exhibitors at “Made in Lowell”, a celebration of immigrant entrepreneurs and their businesses in the city. Although I didn’t stay for the luncheon and the speeches, I roamed the exhibit space and spoke with…

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The Petraeus Matter

I was going to title this post “The Petraeus Affair” but that sounded a bit awkward. Since this thing first broke, I’ve harbored suspicions that there’s got to be more to it because as it stands now, it reads like the script of a modern-day Marx Brothers movie. Despite me…

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UTEC Grand Opening

This afternoon was the Grand Opening of the new UTEC facility on Hurd Street. The facility is an architectural marvel, both inside and out, joining the historic St. Paul’s United Methodist Church (1839) with a brand new 7500 square foot, three story addition. The first floor of the addition features…

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Worcester water crisis

Yesterday at about noon a major water main in Worcester burst, flooding a building at Worcester State University and forcing the city to shut of its entire water supply overnight to make repairs. Imagine waking up and not having a ready supply of clean, safe water – no shower, no…

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