
Flowering City: Also a Web Thing

On Saturday, April 18, 1998, about 100 people attended a “town meeting” called “What Does the Internet Mean for Lowell?” at the O’Leary Library of UMass Lowell. The gathering was sponsored by the UMass Lowell Psychology Dept. Community Outreach Laboratory, Flowering City Steering Committee, New England Foundation for the Arts…

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Books as Autobiography

My family shares an 1860s house with my wife’s parents. We’ve been spring-cleaning this weekend, and one of the tasks was to straighten out the old bookcases that are scattered around their side and our side of the big house. In one small wooden bookcase on their side, one partial…

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Memorial Day in Lowell

Memorial Day is an official Federal Holiday that is observed on the final Monday of May each year. The purpose of Memorial Day is to remember and to honor those who have died while serving in the armed forces of the United States. The holiday originated in the years following…

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