The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. The United States, with four percent of the world’s population, has 25 percent of COVID deaths. And, by any measure, this pandemic is only getting worse. Many Republicans, especially Trump supporters, not only disbelieve the outcome of…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. This will not be a Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving. As the coronavirus rampages, in an abundance of caution, Thursday will be solely for my husband and me. If the weather obliges, (light rain is forecast), we can meet up…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Little by little, Donald Trump is running out of time and techniques to deny the reality of President-elect Joe Biden. Trump’s refusal to acknowledge he’s a loser may be embraced by 70 percent of Republicans, some of whom…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. For decades, sports and entertainment celebrities avoided political endorsements lest they hurt their personal brands and lucrative pay days. This, despite notable exceptions like Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, John Voight and Kelsey Grammer on the right…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Somewhere Robert Bork is chortling. In 1987, his honest articulation of his extremist originalist philosophy was deemed so frighteningly outrageous that, despite his excellent paper qualifications, he was deemed unfit to serve on the United States Supreme Court.…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Donald Trump apparently listened to his advisers not to be the rabid beast he was in the previous debate. This may have firmed up some Trump voters who had been wavering. But the fact that he was reined…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Donald Trump just received the best government-financed medical care in the country. He left the hospital while still infectious, still needs monitoring for abruptly deteriorating and possible side-effects of the medication he’s on, has given no indication…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. Last night’s despicable mud-wrestling, schoolyard bullying, name-calling event was neither Presidential nor a debate. Thank you, Donald. The President who violates all norms of behavior, tramples science and facts, lies about virtually everything, foments divisiveness, incites violence, savages…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons-Barron’s own blog. No, Charlie, we do not need more Senators like Maine’s Susan Collins. We don’t even need Susan Collins. What we do need is to flip the Senate and deal responsibly with Covid-19 impacts, revitalize environmental standards to halt…
The entry below is being cross posted from Marjorie Arons Barron’s own blog. News of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death Friday hit hard, but it did not come as a surprise. She had been diagnosed with cancer five times since 1999 and fought back fiercely. When she succumbed, at the…