Author Archive

Mercury, RIP

We bought our first Mercury Sable back in the 1990s and now have our fourth and fifth versions of that car sitting in the driveway. The recent news that Ford is putting an end to its 71-year old Mercury line provokes mixed feelings in me: I have some affection for…

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Charles Cowley – Week 1

In 1868, Lowell resident Charles Cowley wrote the “Illustrated History of Lowell”, a book filled with fascinating facts about our city. Earlier this week I began “tweeting” these facts on Twitter, one each day. Here’s a compilation of this week’s tweets: June 7 – My new project: a daily Tweet…

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Lowell Cemetery Tour tomorrow

Tomorrow morning (Saturday, June 12, 2010) at 10 am, I’ll be leading a tour of historic Lowell Cemetery.  We start at the Knapp Avenue gate which is right next to Shedd Park.  There’s no charge and the tour takes about 90 minutes.  Please consider joining us.

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Keith Academy Monument

In the middle of Lowell’s St Patrick’s Cemetery, right next to the chapel, sits a monument to the graduates of Keith Academy who died during World War Two. While at the cemetery this Memorial Day, I photographed the monument which bears the following description: DEDICATED TO THE MEN OF KEITH…

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Lincoln Monument Dedication

Today the newly restored Lincoln Monument in Lowell’s Lincoln Square was unveiled. The restoration is magnificent in its own right, and as City Manager Bernie Lynch stated at the ceremony, the restored monument will hopefully serve as a type of catalyst for the continued restoration of the Lower Highlands neighborhood.…

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More on Lincoln Monument Dedication

In the preceding post, Paul provides the background and schedule for tomorrow’s rededication of Lowell’s Lincoln Monument (which I’m planning to attend). Part of the importance and charm of this monument is that it was financed (partially, at least) by contributions from the school children of Lowell in 1909. The…

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City Council Budget Session

I confess that last night I watched the Celtics and, when it was clear they weren’t doing so well, went to bed, missing the Lowell City Council’s marathon FY2011 budget session in the process. Jackie Doherty watched the proceedings, however, and filed this report while Cliff had these observations on…

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