Author Archive

Tuesday political observations

The big story today was the disclosure that Republican Congressional candidate Jon Golnik had been arrested in 2001 for Driving Under the Influence. I’m pretty sure that the Eagle Tribune broke the story. That paper’s latest is here and the Sun has a small piece here. The Globe also has…

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Back to school

School begins in Lowell today. Even if you don’t have someone heading to the classroom, the increase in traffic, particularly from school buses, will transform everyone’s morning commute. Drive carefully and good luck to all students and educators.

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Monday political observations

With the primary election just two weeks away, I’m more attuned to efforts by the candidates in the final stretch. Nothing arrived in today’s mail but late last week I received pieces from each candidate in the First Middlesex Senate race. Chris Doherty’s was a postcard thanking me for signing…

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“Lowell Spinners fun” by Nancye Tuttle

Nancye Tuttle visited LeLacheur Park today and made the following observations on her website, Nancye’s World: It was hot and muggy, but worth it this afternoon when I enjoyed the Lowell Spinners with my daughter and grandkids at LaLacheur Park. I’m embarrassed to admit that it’s been awhile since I’ve…

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Housing woes continue

More and more “For Sale” signs are popping up in my neighborhood. I expect that they’ll be there for a while. A real estate recovery seems elusive and the market continues to stagnate at best. The statistics suggest that the market could be eroding. As I wrote in this month’s…

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“The Wild Bunch”

We’ve had a Netflix subscription for several years and use it mostly to compress a season of “Mad Men” or “Friday Night Lights” into a week rather than several months. But once in a while a movie will come to my attention and I’ll stick it in the queue. Eventually…

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School Street Cemetery

Thanks to Kim Zunino for her informative tour of the School Street Cemetery this morning. Dedicated 16 years before Lowell was incorporated as a town, School Street, also known as “Lowell Cemetery No. 1” is the city’s oldest public burial place. Roaming around the markers, names from the pre-Lowell period…

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