Author Archive

Lowell Week in Review: October 11, 2015

Lord Overpass The city council’s traffic subcommittee held a meeting on the Lord Overpass project Tuesday night before the regular city council meeting. There was a presentation by members of the city’s planning department and an opportunity for public input but no one from Mass Highway or the company doing…

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Upcoming Events

Here are some upcoming events that might be of interest to our readers: The 2015 Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festival is underway and runs through Monday with a full schedule of activities. Lowell Cemetery Tours – Friday, October 16 at 1 pm & on Saturday, October 17 at 10 am, I…

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Lord Overpass Walkabout on October 31st

Save the date: Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 10 am for a Lord Overpass Walkabout starting from outside Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center at 246 Market Street. Massachusetts Department of Transportation is in the midst of planning major renovations to the Lord Overpass in Lowell, work that is directly…

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Traffic Subcommittee meeting: Lord Overpass

Main takeaway – Public input session on Lord Overpass project on Monday, November 16, 2015 at 6 pm at the Lowell Senior Center. The Lowell City Council traffic subcommittee met last evening for an update on the Lord Overpass renovation project. A greater than usual volume of traffic due to…

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Boott Mills, Full Moon

Amy Bisson sent some photos and commentary last week that I’m just now getting around to posting. Thanks, Amy! Last night (September 28), more than a few people were out watching the lunar eclipse unfold. More than a few times a jet or plane raced across the sky as the full…

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Lowell Week in Review: October 4, 2015

Lord Overpass The City Council’s Transportation Subcommittee meets this Tuesday, October 6, 2015, at 5:30 pm at the City Council chambers of Lowell City Hall to discuss the Lord Overpass Renovation Project. The committee chair is Councilor Milinazzo and the members are Councilors Martin and Leahy. At a previous meeting…

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