Starting Baseball in Haverhill, 1961 By Mike McCormick I was standing on the grass behind our back door when Dad emerged with a baseball glove and ball. “I got this for you,” he said as he handed it to me. “Try it on, see if it fits.” I slipped the…
“The Franco-Americans of Lowell in the War Effort” – (PIP #26) By Louise Peloquin France is in effervescence preparing the Olympics and Paralympics to be held from July 26th to August 11th and from August 28th to September 8th, the third time Paris hosts the summer games. The first…
The most significant news from Lowell City Hall last Tuesday night was not the City Council meeting, which was unremarkable, but from the Council’s Economic Development Subcommittee which met before the regular Council meeting. UMass Lowell Chancellor Julie Chen made a presentation to the subcommittee on the University’s “Lowell Innovation…
Book Review: Breslin: Essential Writings, edited by Dan Barry. The Library of America. 2024. 723 pages. $40. Review by David Daniel [This review originally ran on The Arts Fuse website] The idea of columnists like Breslin as “deadline artists” is apt. The task was coming up with an idea, tracking…
“Annual demonstration of faith” – (PIP #25) By Louise Peloquin For 71 years, L’Etoile shone out of Lowell’s Little Canada to offer its readership local, regional, and international coverage of a wide variety of news items. Deemed just as newsworthy as scoops from abroad, community events were regularly…
A small spurt of drama arose at an otherwise straightforward Lowell City Council meeting Tuesday night. It came from something that wasn’t even on the agenda, the status of the Lupoli Companies project in the Hamilton Canal District. About 90 minutes into the 105-minute meeting, Councilor John Descoteaux spoke up…
Living Madly: Lost Time By Emilie-Noelle Provost Ever since I was old enough to understand how timekeeping works, I’ve hated Daylight Savings Time. Every year when we’re forced to “spring ahead” and move the clocks forward by an hour, I feel like I’ve been robbed. Having to get up an…
“Known in the whole world” – (PIP #24) By Louise Peloquin On March 20th, the International Day of Francophonie, it is fitting to remember that, for decades, French echoed in the streets of Little Canada. L’Etoile’s main objective was offering its readership a wide variety of articles in French. Since…
March 17, 2024 Much of Tuesday’s Lowell City Council meeting was devoted to discussing the implementation of the new citywide 25 mph speed limit. Councilors seemed confused about it which is understandable: The new speed limit is citywide, yet it doesn’t apply to every street in the city. According to the report,…
This blog celebrates its 17th birthday this week. It was born on March 11, 2007. I purchased the URL “” a year or two earlier in preparation for my 2006 reelection campaign for register of deeds. Once that campaign was over, I added Lowell City Council election returns to the…