Lowell Quarter Release Excitement is building for Wednesday’s launch of the new Lowell quarter. The event begins at 10am (on February 6, 2019) at the Lowell Memorial Auditorium which will be packed with school children and members of the community. Once the formal festivities are over, you can cash in…
Mimi Parseghian shares her observations on Lowell and national politics this week: On Tuesday, the City Council entertained a motion on the “Dangerous Flow of Traffic at the Intersection of First Street, Bradley Street and Route 110.” If you are not familiar with those streets, this is the route that…
Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow’s Lowell City Council meeting. A memo on the Free Cash Certification from City Auditor Bryan Perry leads this week’s City Council agenda. Auditor Perry informed the City Council that the Department of Revenue (DOR) has certified “free cash” for the City to be $2,513,634 as…
Open for Business Thanks to everyone at Lowell National Historical Park for the rapid re-opening just hours after the 35 day federal government shutdown ended. With an early tweet yesterday morning, the Park announced that it would be open its regular Saturday hours. It’s been said that you don’t appreciate…
Mimi Parseghian shares some observations on Lowell politics for this week: SCHOOL BUDGET FORMULA On Wednesday, Governor Charlie Baker introduced his budget for Fiscal 2020 and according to the Globe it includes a “$1.1 billion, seven-year overhaul of the state’s embattled school budget formula, the centerpiece of a $42.7 billion…
ROLL CALL – all present Several items taken out of order . . . Councilor Mercier – Req. State Senator And State Representatives Revisit The State’s Bullying Policy, Chapter 71, Section 370, To Amend The Section Which Does Not Allow The Perpetrators Fate To Be Disclosed To The Victims’ Parents.…
Mimi Parseghian previews tomorrow night’s Lowell City Council meeting: This week City Council Agenda begins with City Auditor Bryan Berry’s Year to Date (July – December) Budget Report. The 35-page report should generate questions of explanation and assessment. The Administration’s portion of the agenda has four Motion Responses, including a…
Charter Change “Executive Session – Regarding matter of litigation, namely Huot, et al, v. City of Lowell, public discussion of which could have a detrimental effect on the city’s position.” The above item appears on the agenda for this week’s Lowell City Council meeting. The same item was on the…
Mimi Parseghian shares some observations on Lowell politics for this week: I have just read that Councilor David Conway will be submitting a motion requesting a non-binding referendum on the election system. According to the Sun article “The ballot question would ask voters whether they want to maintain Lowell’s at-large…
ROLL CALL – all present MAYOR’S BUSINESS Presentation – Solarize Lowell. Update by Jay Mason, Chair of Sustainability Council. We’re living in a climate crisis. We have to move to clean energy. Renewable energies like solar and wind are the way to do this. Our carbon emissions are “cooking our…