New Wing of John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum Opens

 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum

President Kennedy’s daughter Caroline Kennedy with the help of a group of  fourth and fifth graders from the Winship School in Brighton, opened a  new wing of the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum today in an official ceremony. The new wing adds 30,000 square feet  of space that includes a classroom,  a staging area for exhibits and curatorial work, a temporary exhibit gallery with half of the space to be used for much needed archival storage.

In a statement noted in today’s Boston Globe,  Kennedy, President of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation stated:

“I am proud to open this addition that provides essential storage space for the historical treasures housed in this library and will allow it to fulfill its mission as the dynamic center of education that my parents envisioned.”

Full details can be found in this press release from the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum here: