My view ~ Marty Meehan Lowell neighborhood kid becomes President of the University of Massachusetts
November 13, 2015
Posted in Lowell, Politics, Current Events, Education, History
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My view from the visitor’s gallery/EM Kennedy Institute for the US Senate
A few thoughts about Marty Meehan’s rise from a Lowell neighborhood kid to becoming President of the University of Massachusetts… I’ve known Marty since he was fifteen years old … while we haven’t always run in the same circle along the way, I’ve had a close look at his life. My early memories aren’t so much from inside the classroom but more about his zeal as a peer leader and his eagerness to wisely absorb and learn from those around him, especially his school mentors like Dean Eugene Wood. His mentors – no matter when and who – were as much a part of the making of Marty as any book or course or degree. He learned from a lot of people – mentors who advised, role models, persons he trusted, persons he emulated, some of them peers as well – although sometimes he saw their wisdom in hindsight. Some were there yesterday in that intimate gathering at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate … many more were present in spirit. From his days as a kid at the Sun, at ULowell, his time at City Hall, in a congressional office (where I was his colleague), at the State House and Ashburton Place, as chief Middlesex ADA, in the Congress, at UMass Lowell… he was always a student of the time and place. Even in his leisure… a student of the game. In his relationships … a student of who and what was/is real, worthwhile, important. In his position as UMass President … a student of the needs, goals, realities and the future for his “fellow” students. He enjoys a dual role now – a mentor himself but ever the student. I couldn’t be more proud and happy for my student Marty Meehan.