Special Permit Sought for Andover Street Property
As a person who grew up in the general neighborhood – who travels Andover Street in Lowell daily and who had seen many changes over the years, I found this Public Notice both intriguing and concerning. The lot in question sits on the north side of Andover Street some four house lots from Rivercliffe Road and one house lot from Stafford Road. A large, old single-family colonial house built in 1882 is currently situated on the west side of the lot with a shaky barn in the rear – leaving a large area of the parcel open. The changes sought by the petitioner conjure the image of four shotgun-style house lots that will further change the landscape of a once beautiful, tree-lined, tree-arched “boulevard” and gateway into historic Lowell. What do they abutters and neighbors think? is anyone interested in preservation of one of Belvidere’s few remaining farmhouse properties? Is it just nostalgia on my part?

Public Hearing Lowell Planning Board Special Permit 658 Public Hearing Lowell Planning Board Special Permit 658 Andover Street The Lowell Planning Board will hold a public hearing to hear all interested persons relative to an application by Corbett Development, Inc. seeking a Special Permit to reduce frontage requirements as part of the proposed redevelopment. The lot totals approximately 70,102 square feet. The lot is proposed to be divided into 4 separate lots, with two lots consisting of approximately 12,000 square feet of land (with approximately 83 feet of frontage) and two lots containing approximately 23,000 square feet of land (with approximately 40 feet of frontage). The current structure would be relocated onto one of the 12,000 square foot lots. The subject property is located in the SSF (Suburban Single Family) zoning district, and requires Special Permit review with the Planning Board under Section 5.1.1. #7 and 5.2.9 of the Lowell Zoning Ordinance. The public hearing will be held on Monday, May 6, 2013 at 6:30 PM in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, Lowell, MA 01852. The Planning Board will consider this matter at the conclusion of the public hearing. Information relative to this project is available at the Office of the Lowell Planning Board at the Division of Development Services, City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, Room 51, Lowell, MA 01852, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lowell Planning Board Thomas C. Linnehan, Chairperson
April 19, 26, 2013 |
Appeared in: Lowell Sun on 04/19/2013 and 04/26/2013 |
I’m sorry but a 40′ frontage is completely out of keeping with the surrounding area. It sounds slummy. Andover St. is the introduction to Lowell from the East. The street IS broad frontages with stately old homes (until you get to the destroyed former Costello properties). Four shotgun style new homes sound horrible. I live on Wentworth, but sincerely hope that surrounding property owners can put up a good argument on devaluing of the neighborhood properties!
Each time I drive Andover street I cringe at the 3 houses they squeezed into a lot farther in Andover on the same side as the subject lot. They are totally out of character with the neighborhood.
That is a past mistake. It would be sinful to repeat that today.
Hi Dick,
My extended family has lived in that area 4 generations. We are very distressed to see this proposal. It most definitely is out of character for Andover St and should not be allowed.
Is there anything we can do besides going to the hearing to complain?
So the lots with 83 feet of frontage have only 12k square feet and the lots with 40 feet of frontage have 23k square feet of land. Seems backwards to me. There should only be TWO houses on that land to be consistent with Andover St.
I wonder if this is just a negotiating tactic where the developer knows the proposal for 4 lots will get denied and they’ll get approval for three lots which is what they wanted all along.
Check out their website.
Neighborhood meeting tonight at Longmeadow on Havilah St @ 7PM I’ve been reaching out to people to attend. I anticipate a presentation by the Developer. Please attend if you are interested in maintaining the integrity of this neighborhood. This street is a gateway to our City and is integral part of our history and welcoming of visitors to our City!