“Lost Child: Sayon’s Journey”

Sayon Soeun, Sopheap Theam & Janet Gardner
Last evening was the Lowell premiere of “Lost Child: Sayon’s Journey”, a documentary about Sayon Soeun who at a very young age was forced to serve as a Khmer Rouge soldier. The film follows Sayon, who has lived in Lowell since the early 1990s, as he returns to Cambodia in search of the family he last saw when he was taken by the Khmer Rouge. The film is excellently done, emotional, and quite revealing about another aspect of the experience of many of our neighbors here in Lowell. Everyone who lives in this city should see it.
More information about the film is available here and information about Light of Cambodian Children, the non-profit organization with which Sayon is affiliated, is available here.
A Cambodian Girl’s Lesson
My Cambodian student’s father
Lost his hands, legs, and head.
Who knows what else?
I do know cargo
That floats,
And hurts
My blue eyes
When I have to look
Into her dark eyes
That cannot look back.
My eyes flood
The green valleys.
I bite my lip and lecture
About the past tense.
–Daniel Patrick Murphy