Catholic Hospitals ~ Nuns No Longer in Charge

In light of our recent post on the Archdiocese of Boston’s appointment of a healthcare ethicist as well as the take over of so many “Catholic” hospitals and the forced retrenchment in staff and programs as is happening at places like Catholic Memorial Hospital in Manchester, New Hampshire, I found this New York Times story interesting and timely. Longtime locals well-remember the nuns that ruled at Saints – formerly St. John’s Hospital, at St. Joseph’s Hospital and in Methuen’s Holy Family Hospital – formerly the Bon Secours. This NY Times article talks about the demise of the nuns in hospital leadership roles in an article entitled “Nuns, a ‘Dying Breed,’ Fading from Leadership Roles at Catholic Hospitals.” It’s worth your time to read here at

Please share any memories you might have of those days when the nuns were in charge!

One Response to Catholic Hospitals ~ Nuns No Longer in Charge

  1. John Quealey says:

    In our younger years we could tell the nuns by the habit they wore never alone outside always in twos.