Lowell Streets and Roadwork Continues

Travelers around the city find many streets and roads under some kind of work order or reconstruction. Some work is related to water department projects – others to upgrading of streets in tough condition. And then there’s the bridge work. Over on the City Manager’s blog here, there’s an explanation along with a list of streets scheduled for work in 2011-2012. There will be a reward for travelers at the end of all this construction! As a “regular” on these streets and roads, I appreciate what’s already been accomplished and am looking forward to the solutions for those “cobblestoned” intersections.

One Response to Lowell Streets and Roadwork Continues

  1. George DeLuca says:

    It’s great that the City Manager lists the streets scheduled for repair, some of which dovetail nicely with the planned reconfiguration of streets downtown.

    On July 26, Adam Baacke of Lowell DPD will be updating the Center City Committee on progress with the proposed changes outlined in Jeff Speck’s “Lowell Downtown Evolution Plan”. The meeting is open to the public.

    Yesterday’s CCC meeting focused on pedestrian safety in Lowell in general, and particularly Downtown. Captain Kevin Sullivan of LPD, Henri Marchand, Assistant to the City Manager, and, Ralph Snow, Director of DPW gave a comprensive overview in direct “case in point” style, and answered questions posed by the attendees. The meeting was very helpful and was video taped. It will appear on LTC beginning in a couple of weeks.

    The visioning sessions for the planned 2012 Master Plan sustainability update will also shed light, particularly the July 19th meeting, which focuses on Transportation and Mobility. The importance of residents and stakeholders attending these meetings cannot be overstated.

    Yesterday, there was a meeting regarding the Central Street Bridge. I have no info currently. If anyone has details, please post.