Hugh Cummiskey shot by rioters – 1833

The following account of an 1833 Yankee v Irish riot in Lowell was recently forwarded to me by one of Lowell’s foremost historians. Because it includes details of Hugh Cummiskey being shot by the rioters and because this is Irish cultural week, I’ve reproduced the story below:

Riotous. On Friday night last, in consequence of the excitement produced by the ejectment mentioned in our last, mobs collected in Lowell street, and evinced symptoms of a turbulant nature. Windows were broken, and some black eyes and bloody noses were exchanged. One circumstance occurred which by separated the mob, had nearly produced results of a fatal tendency. During the tumult, a musket loaded with slugs, was fired from the window of a house upon the mob, and Mr. Cummiskey, a constable, who was laudably engaged in endeavoring to quell the disturbances, was wounded in the hand and arm; another person was also slightly wounded. A musket was immediately after fired by the Irish, but no person was injured. On Saturday evening, owing to the large collection of pople, much mischief was apprehended. Sundry preparatory measures were adopted by the Police to quell any disturbances that might arise — but we are happy to state that there were no alarming results.

2 Responses to Hugh Cummiskey shot by rioters – 1833

  1. John Quealey says:

    In the metro of this mornings Boston Globe Kevin Cullen has a related story worth reading.