Bread & Roses Centennial Planning Launches in Lawrence

From Bob Forrant:

More than 60 people, including three Lawrence city councilors and two representatives from US Rep. Niki Tsongas’s office, yesterday gathered in Lawrence to start planning in earnest the 2012 Bread & Roses Strike Centennial Project. For more information, contact

Read the Eagle-Tribune’s report on the January 15 meeting, and get the E-T if you want more.

One Response to Bread & Roses Centennial Planning Launches in Lawrence

  1. PaulM says:

    Lawrence would do well to take the Bread and Roses theme and run with it all the way to success-ville. It’s a great urban theme, has strong name recognition, and can be applied broadly to lots of intiatives, from job creation to cultural development. I like it much better than the “Immigrant City” slogan that has been around for a long time. Maybe 2012 is an opportunity to re-boot the “image thing” and “vision thing” in Lawrence. Our neighbors down river have a claim on the slogan: Lawrence: The Bread & Roses City. The slogan has roots in the immigrant population of 1912 Lawrence, so it connects well with the present-day diverse population. I think it could be pulled forward and recyled for the 21st century city with a vision for a city that seeks to provide for everything that figuratively feeds the body and soul of its people. Good luck to all. I look forward to lending a hand on the work.