John Prendergast meeting in South Sudan during the Southern Sudanese independence referendum, 2011 with President Jimmy Carter, 7th Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan and George Clooney (web photo courtesy of John Prendergast of the Enough Project is the 2012 UMass Lowell Greeley Scholar for Peace Studies. He has two…
On Sunday, April 22, some interesting people will gather at the Rogers School on Highland Street, on the edge of the South Common, for Earth Day activities. We will have a guided tour of the South Common Historic District by Dick Howe Jr, unplugged music by Joe Darensbourg, a display of design plans showing…
John Prendergast of the Enough Project starts his Greeley Peace Scholar residency at UMass Lowell today. He will visit the campus three times between April and November. Several of the events will be open to the public. The first public events are tomorrow: “The Day Without Violence Lecture,” sponsored by the…
I’ve been using Facebook since January 2011, and this online communications tool continues to impress me. Corey Sciuto, a fellow Lowell blogger and member of this year’s class in the Public Matters leadership development program of the Lowell Plan Inc and Nat’l Park Service, wrote to me on FB and said…
At about 6 pm on Friday, March 30, Chancellor Martin T. Meehan of UMass Lowell spoke to an audience of more than 100 people in the Moody Street Feeder multi-purpose room on the fourth floor of the Boott Cotton Mills Museum. Behind him, through tall east-facing windows of Boott Mill #6, segmented like rectangular-blocked…
Our frequent contributor author Steve O’Connor sent along a bulletin of interest regarding Lowell and The Titanic, that doomed ocean liner much in the news with the centennial of the sinking due next month. Here’s the message received by Steve via a friend who grew up in Lowell and has…
Jack Neary, Lee Grande, and company have “kick-started” their musical theater venture that will begin with a production of “The Music Man” at UMass Lowell’s Durgin Hall in August. Using the online Kickstarter tool to raise capital, Jack and friends have reached their goal of $7,600 ($100 for each of…
Howl in Lowell has a lively report on the Charles Dickens museum exhibition opening at the National Park’s Boott Mills Museum on Friday, March 30, at 5 pm. The media coverage has been outstanding for this project, from the Sun and Boston Globe to the Washington Post and WBUR-FM radio…
Human rights activist John Prendergast will be at UMass Lowell for four days in early April. Several of his presentations are free and open to the public. Everyone is welcome. Tuesday, April 3, 12.30-1.45 pm “Good News Peace Stories from Africa: The 2012 Day Without Violence Lecture.” Sponsored by the…
Last night, nearly 20 people gathered at the Moses Greeley Parker Library in Dracut for an illustrated lecture by Richard Marion, who showed in Powerpoint format about 25 images of Lowell places, buildings, and scenes from among the hundreds that he has created in the past 40 years. The talk…