
’23 October’ by Paul Hudon

The following poem is from Paul Hudon’s big poem-a-day book written in 2005-2006, “All in Good Time” (Loom Press, 2011). At various times, Paul has been a professor of history at Merrimack College, curator of pre-industrial artifacts at the Merrimack Valley Textile Museum (now the American Textile History Museum in Lowell),…

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‘Desire Lines’

This is a revised version of a poem of the season from my second full-length collection of poems, “Middle Distance,” published in 1989. The setting is drawn from the view across fields in Dracut, off Mammoth Road looking toward Lakeview Avenue.–PM . Desire Lines . At Runaway Hill, where a horse…

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I went deep into the vault for this poem that I wrote more than 20 years ago. I thought about the poem around 5:30 p.m. today, when I was walking Ringo-the-dog on the South Common in perfect October weather. The scent of dried leaves was all around. The air was…

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