Current Events

“Predictions for 2013” by John Edward

John Edward, a resident of Chelmsford who earned his master’s degree at UMass Lowell and who teaches economics at Bentley University and UMass Lowell, contributes the following column. Some of my predictions for 2012 came true (President Obama re-elected); others did not (the Supreme Court upheld “Obamacare”). In my own…

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Fiscal cliff or fiscal scam?

Listening to some national commentators this morning, at first I thought they were discussing the Mayan prediction that the world would end today but it soon became clear they were discussing the so-called “Fiscal Cliff” that will be dominating political news over the next two weeks. Back in 2011 when…

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The coming gun debate

Everyone in America was touched by Friday’s tragedy in Connecticut. Sorrow abounds but so do strong emotions about the role of guns in our society. I have strong feelings on that topic but I think it best to delay writing about them for a while. The debate over guns will…

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