Current Events

National GOP in Disarray; President Obama Consolidating Message, Support, & Resources

Since I’m not a party member, I’ve been watching the Republican presidential nomination contest as an interested audience member—it has been a show, but one with profound consequences. Hearing the morning radio news about former US Sen Rick Santorum winning three states last night confirmed was I was sensing from…

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Western Avenue Lofts

Yesterday I joined a tour of the still-under-construction Western Avenue Lofts at 150 Western Avenue in Lowell. Adjacent to the better-known Western Avenue Studios, Western Avenue Lofts is a two-story brick building bordering the Pawtucket Canal that is being transformed into 50 rental live/work spaces for artists. The building is…

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The Future of Books

Books were very much on my mind this weekend. I’m nearing the end of “Midnight Rising: John Brown and the Raid that Sparked the Civil War” by Tony Horwitz. The book is about the abolitionist John Brown’s attack on the armory at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia) that hardened…

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