Author Archive

“The Fighter” movie trailer

[youtube]1_zijS_UAtw[/youtube] Here’s the first trailer for the filmed-in-Lowell, Mickey Ward bio-pic, “The Fighter.” This clip is just 2:30 seconds long but there are so many recognizable scenes from Lowell – Cupples Square, Florence Road, Middlesex Superior Court, many shots of Micky O’Keefe – that it’s a bit like watching a…

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10 Kearney Square, Lowell

Photo-blogger Tony Sampas captured this view of the Fairburn Building at 10 Kearney Square in Lowell. I’ve passed by this building thousands of times (and have been inside hundreds of times – my dad’s law office was on the fourth floor for twenty years) and never before noticed this architectural…

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Post Primary Observations

Some random thoughts on the election that I scribbled down during the past 24 hours: I never would have guessed that the iconic image from the 2010 primary election would be a pair of men’s dress shoes. Chris Doherty used the shoes with the hole in them to good effect,…

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Tsongas comes out swinging

I visited the Kirk Street headquarters of Niki Tsongas last night after the polls had closed. Once it became clear that Jon Golnik would win the Republican primary, Tsongas wasted no time in bringing the fight to her opponent, highlighting Golnik’s failure to vote in local elections for eight years,…

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Donoghue wins and other results

Eileen Donoghue defeated Chris Doherty in the 1st Middlesex State Senate race. With all the votes counted but those from Pepperell, Donoghue received 6069 votes (62%) to Doherty’s 3699 (38%). Donoghue won every community in the district, taking Lowell 4241 to 2387; Dunstable 139 to 105; Groton 391 to 305;…

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Primary Election Day

It’s finally here. Through the day I’ll update this post with my observations. Please use the comment feature to do the same. As I emerged from the house for my early morning run, I found a neon green card protruding from under the door mat urging me to “Vote Chris…

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Election eve electioneering

I arrived home from work to find an answering machine full of robocalls and one post card in the mailbox. That was from Eileen Donoghue and it featured a pair of shiny black men’s dress shoes with this: With serious issues facing the commonwealth such as job creation, the economy,…

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