Power House on French Street
by Tony Sampas
Read More »by Tony Sampas
Read More »The first tours of Lowell Cemetery for this year will take place this weekend: Friday, May 6 at 1 pm Saturday, May 7 at 10 am The tours are free and open to the public and begin at the Knapp Avenue entrance to the cemetery which is off Rogers Street,…
Read More »By May 6, 1861, Washington DC was safe from immediate capture by Confederate forces. When Fort Sumter was fired upon, Washington was without any organized and reliable military force while Confederate forces began gathering across the Potomac in Alexandria and Arlington. The Sixth Massachusetts Infantry, the unit from Lowell that…
Read More »I’m curious to know how folks first learned of the death of Osama bin Laden. I saw it on Twitter at 10:31 pm in the midst of multiple tweets announcing the President’s speech. That sent me scurrying to the TV. In the following hour (the President didn’t go on until…
Read More »From Tony Sampas: Cardinal O’Connell Parkway Makeover. There will be a layer of bricks around the edges, a fence put in and new plantings added. The trees, which were diseased, will be replaced
Read More »The New York Times yesterday reported that a company from Nevada, Righthaven LLC, has entered into an arrangement with Media News Group (the owner of the Lowell Sun and many other newspapers) whereby Righthaven scours the internet for people using copyrighted articles and photographs from Media News Group papers and,…
Read More »Tony Sampas finds poetry in the geometry of Lowell’s mills.
Read More »On April 24, 1980, the world awoke to news that the a rescue mission launched by the United States to retrieve its Iranian Embassy personnel who were being held hostage in Tehran had ended in a deadly failure. While at an intermediate position known as Desert One, a series of…
Read More »Growing up in the 1960s and 70s, I always watched the network news on May 1 because that’s the day that the Soviet Union would parade its most advanced military equipment through Red Square as part of that country’s May Day celebration. To contrast the Soviet glorification of military power,…
Read More »Frequent contributor Jim Peters shared some thoughts with us over the weekend: I have been reading a bit of Robert Burns, the Scottish poet, and I really enjoy reading a poem he dedicated to a louse on a lady’s bonnet at church. He uses most of the poem to describe…
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