Author Archive

Lowell Week in Review: April 23, 2017

Points of Light Lantern Celebration Last night’s Points of Light Lantern Celebration was a huge success, bringing much-needed vibrancy and attention to Ecumenical Plaza, a community space first envisioned by Pat Mogan’s Model Cities Program of the 1960s. A large brick plaza that spans the Western Canal between Holy Trinity…

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Upcoming Events in Lowell

There’s plenty to do in Lowell this weekend and this coming week. Here are some highlights: Saturday, April 22, 2017   La Guagua Community Poetry Festival The Middlesex Humanities Center of Middlesex Community College is holding an all-day poetry festival today at the Federal Building at 50 Kearney Square. Called…

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Union River: A Review

When UMass Lowell honored Steve Panagiotakos last week, the former state senator in his remarks explained that the house he grew up in, the house he lives in now, and the law office he works in, are all within a few blocks of each other in Lowell. He has never…

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April 19, 1861 – The Baltimore Riot

At the top of the stairs leading to the third floor rotunda of the Massachusetts State House in Boston is a colorful mural, ten feet high and fifteen feet wide, that depicts the soldiers of the Sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment fighting a well-armed mob of angry civilians in Baltimore,…

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Lowell Week in Review: April 16, 2017

With Easter, Patriot’s Day, school vacation and no council meeting, it’s a slow time politically, so here are some updates on a few projects: South Common & Thorndike Street Improvements Underway Earlier this week, a platoon of DPW workers and contractors arrived at the South Common and started digging. The…

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Lowell and Lincoln’s Assassination

On April 14, 1865 – Good Friday – Abraham Lincoln went to Ford’s Theatre. As he watched the play from his presidential box above the stage, John Wilkes Booth shot him in the back of the head. Lincoln was carried out of the theatre and across the street to William…

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