Lowell War Dead: Post WWII

This is the fourth and final installment of the names of those Lowell residents who died while serving in the military during time of war. Today, the Korena War, the Vietnam War, and the wars in the Middle East.

Korean War (31 names)

Alexa, Anthony C Jr

Azarowski, Richard Peter

Baron, Roland P

Bilodeau, Adrian L

Doutilier, Jacquelyn M

Busby, Edwin F

Coffee, Arthur G

Conlon, John J Bing

Delude, Felix Louis

Gamache, Melvin Paul

Gargan, John F

Giles, Ralph R

Harding, Thomas Jr

Holcomb, Francis A

Iannuzzo, Gerlando

Johnston, Robert A

Kiggins, John J

Krygowski, Francis J

Lambert, Bernard Robert

LeBleu, Joseph Arthur

Martin, Paul Joseph

McCarron, James J

McKeon, Arhtur Wallace

Ouellette, Joseph R

O’Brien, Robert J

Purcell, Francis S

Robarge, Paul N

Ryan, John F

Vandenberg, Hoyt S

Wong, Philip

Yehle, Ernest William Jr


Vietnam War (20 names)


Rudolph H. Lefebvre

Joseph L. Vallee

Peter N. Samaras

Robert F. Bigelow

Richard J. Kelley

Ronald A. Skelton

Robert W. McCluskey

Henry M. Sarmento


Donald L. Arcand

William T. Callery

John J. Carville

Peter Tsirovasiles

Paul L. Stewart

Bruce R. Baxter

Robert L. Harrison

Ronald E. Forget

Richard C. St. Armand

Walter J. Lemieux

Peter J. Bouchard

William J. Hodge

John Scott Keenan

Robert J. Laflamme

Persian Gulf War (1 name)

Finneral, George Scott

Global War on Terror (1 name)

Landry, John F Jr