Lowell War Dead: Civil War
In 1919, the Massachusetts state legislature passed a bill that authorized the city of Lowell to obtain land and expend funds for the erection and maintenance of a public building in the city to be known as the Lowell Memorial Auditorium. The building was to be “dedicated to the men and women of Lowell who were in the service of the country in the wars in which the United States has been engaged.” The legislation also provided that in addition to a performance hall, the building should have suitable offices and spaces for the support of Lowell’s veterans and to display historic artifacts and plaques honoring those veterans. The cornerstone was laid on September 25, 1920, and the building opened on September 21, 1922.
The entry foyer, known as the Hall of Flags, contains many artifacts that honor and memorialize those who served in the military forces of the United States during time of war, including several bronze tablets that list those servicemembers who died during wartime.
In honor of Veterans Day, and to bring more attention to those from Lowell who made the supreme sacrifice, each day this week I will post a list of those who are named on these LMA tablets starting today with the American Civil War:
Civil War (646 names)
Abbott, Edward G
Abbott, Henry L
Abbott, Samuel D
Adams, Charles A
Adams, Harvey
Ahern, Daniel
Allen, George S
Ames, John
Ansart, Atis E
Arnold, Benjamin
Auld, James F
Austin, Seth J
Babcock, Alonzo J
Badger, Willard F
Bailey, George E
Baker, S C
Baldwin, Clark G
Ball, Henry C
Barrett, John H
Barry, Edward G
Barry, John D
Bartlett, Ebenezer H
Bartlett, Ruben A
Bascom, Wallace A
Batchelder, George H
Bean, Daniel H
Bean, Lyman W
Bean, William H
Bedee, Daniel
Bickford, Charles H
Bickford, William H
Blanchard, Cadwaller
Blanchard, C F
Blessington, Bernard
Blessington, Hugh B
Blodgett, John P
Bodwell, Eliphalit C
Bohonan, George W
Bohonan, Joseph
Bourne, Lemuel V
Bowden, Ernest
Bowles, Ira H
Boynton, James W
Bradford, William
Bradt, Charles A
Brazer, Charles E
Breen, Thomas
Briggs, John Jr
Bright, Henry
Brown, Arthur C
Brown, Frederick H
Brown, James M
Brown, John
Brown, Joseph M
Brown, Robert
Brynes, John
Bullard, William T
Bulmar, John
Bumpus, B F
Bumpus, Ephraim
Burbank, George W
Burns, Edward
Burns, Frank
Burns, John
Burns, John A
Burns, Thomas
Bush, George
Bush, James
Butterfield, Frank S
Butterworth, John
Buxton, George W
Cadwell, Charles
Cadwell, Charles B
Cain, George W
Caldwell, Charles D
Cannell, Marshall
Caulfield, Alfred J
Carey, James
Carey, Patrick
Carlton, George V
Carnes, Thomas
Carpenter, Henry A
Carroll, Martin
Carroll, Peter
Carson, Michael
Carver, Robert
Cassidy, Francis
Castels, John
Chase, Volney P
Cheever, William B
Chipman, Gray H
Christie, Robert
Claffey, Thomas
Clapp, Walker
Clark, Francis N
Clark, Henry A
Clay, Daniel
Clements, Abraham
Cleveland, Harmon
Clink, Richard W
Cobb, Andrew J
Cobb, William S
Coburn, James E
Cochran, William
Cocklin, John
Cody, John
Colby, Grosvinor A
Cole, Albert G
Cole, David W
Collins, Timothy
Collins, William
Comerford, William H
Commery, John
Conlan, Garret
Conlan, James
Conlan, John
Conley, Frank
Conley, James
Connor, James
Connor, Robert
Connor, Timothy
Conahy, James
Cook, Barnabus
Cook, William P
Cooney, John
Cottle, John W
Coughlin, James
Cox, Phillip
Cox, William
Coy, Eliab W
Craig, Harrison J
Crane, Patrick
Crea,ber, Mathew
Crehore, Charles W
Critchett, George F
Crone, John
Crosby, Frederick A
Cross, Ira M
Cross, William
Crosley, Dennis
Crowley, Bartholomew
Crowley, Timothy
Crowley, Timothy B
Cunningham, John
Curley, Michael
Curry, Peter
Custy, Michael
Cutts, Charles A
Dacey, Timothy
Daggett, Andrew J
Dailey, William
Darricott, James R
Davis, Gustavas J
Dearborn, John
Dearing, William
Deery, Patrick
Deen, Cameron
Deardon, John
Dempsey, John
Dempsey, Christopher E
Devlin, Michael
Devinport, Elijah
Dexter, Jarius
Dickey, Charles H
Dodwell, Charles
Dolahony, John
Donohue, Comelus
Donovan, James
Drach, Emil
Dresser, Charles
Duffy, John
Duffy, Thomas
Duncan, John H
Dunahm, George
Durgin, Leavitt
Dustin, Eben S
Dyer, Lemon H
Eacott, Henry
Eastman, Albert D
Eastman, Daniel C
Edds, John H
Elliss, Henry E
Ewing, Samuel
Ewing, William W
Far, Asa W
Fransworth, David W
Farrell, Richard
Fenton, Peter
Finnegan, William
Fisher, George W
Fisher, Thomas
Fiske, John L
Fiske, John S
Fitzgerald, Edward
Flemming, James
Flood, Thomas
Ford, Robert H
Foster, Enoch J
Foster, Henry C
Foster, James L
Foster, Slias P
Foster, Willard F
Foss, John C
Fox, George I
Frawley, John
Freeman, Isaac S D
Frost, John
Frost, Aaron B
Frost, Lewis H
Gaffney, Thomas
Gale, John A
Gallagher, Edward
Gallagher, James
Gallagher, John
Galligan, James
Galvin, John
Gannon, Thomas
Garland, Owen W
Garland, George W
Gardner, George
Garrity, Edward
Gates, Horatio H
Gay, Edward F
Gillon, Hugh B
Gilman, Aaron W
Gilman, Hewall G
Gilmore, Isaac E
Gilson, Albert
Gilson, Warren W
Gilpatrick, John A
Golden, Barney
Golden, Owen
Golden, Dennis
Goodhue, Frederick
Goodhue, David
Goodhue, John
Goodrick, George
Goodwin, Alonzo
Goodwin, Thomas J
Gordon, Charles E
Gordon, John
Goulding, Owen
Gove, Algeron S
Granville, John
Gray, George H
Gray, James
Gray, James
Gray, Timothy
Greely, John E
Greenleaf, Ruel W
Green , Watson L G
Griffin, Patrick
Grimes, David
Hall, James N
Hall, Jeremiah S
Halloran, Michael
Hamblett, Alphous
Hamilton, Edward
Handley, Frank
Harding, William
Harmon, Eldridge
Harriman, Alonzo D
Harriman, Charles L
Harrington , John
Harrington , Patrick
Harrington , Daniel
Harrington , Daniel H
Harwood, John
Hazelton, Henry T
Haskell, Charles W
Haskell, Henry H
Hassett, Martin
Hayes, Patrick
Haywood, Asa E
Heald, Joel M
Heath, Martin V B
Hennessey, David
Herrick, Andrew J
Heslin, Bernard F
Hibbard, Thaddeus A
Hill, John
Hill, Martin V B
Hill, Thomas
Hilton, Moses M
Hinkley, Wallace
Hodge, John A
Hoffron, Michael
Hollihan, Patrick
Holmes, Silas S
Honeybun, Thomas
Horn, Charles C
Hosmer, Nathan D
Howard, Edwin F
Howard, James H
Howe, Orin D
Hoyle, Patrick
Hudson, John P
Hudson, Jonas F
Hughes, John
Huntington, John P
Huntington, James H
Hurley, James J
Huse, Edwin W
Hutchinson, Everett E
Hutchinson, Edward
Hutchins , Warren E
Hurd, Frank G
Hyde, Joseph
Jacobs, Andrew G
James, Edwin G
Jeffers, Mathew D
Jewett, Franklin M
Johnston, William A
Jones, Charles H
Jones, Edward
Jordan, John
Judge, James
Kanes, Patrick
Kavanagh, James A
Kavanagh, Joseph
Kearns, Peter
Kearns, Patrick
Keefe, John
Keenan, John G
Keith, John H
Kelley, Hiram
Kelley, Michael
Kelley, Thomas
Kempton, Frank J
Kempton, Orin D
Kenna, John
Kennedy, John
Kennedy, Bernard
Kenney, Charles
Kenney, John Jr
Kershaw, James
Keyes, Edward
Kirk, James
Kittredge, Charles H
Kittredge, George H
Knapp, Freeman
Ladd, Luther C
Lahiff, Michael
Lahiff, Timothy
Lamountain, George A
Lampheer, George B
Lamson, William
Lane, Joseph H
Lapoint, Edwin
Lawrence, George M
Lawson, William H
Lawson, Henry T
Leary, Daniel
Leeman, William A
Legro, Hiram A
Liddell, Charles W
Linsky, Dennis
Livingston, Nelson S
Lockling, Leonard A
Lockling, Joel M
Loverin, Luke W
Madden, James
Maddox, Maishanel
Magoon, John R
Magreal, Terrence
Mahan, Michael
Mansur, James M
Manchester, Delos W
Manning, John
Manning, Thomas
Manuel, William G
Mansfield, John B
Marble , Charles H
Marden, James P P
Marsh, Cyrus A
Marsh, Morris
Marsh, Salem
Martin, James
Masterson, James J
Mathews, Thomas A
Mathews, Oren E
Maxwell, Charles L
Maynard, Berich
Maynard, Dennis
Maynard, Henry G
McAllister, Samuel
McArmlty, Thomas
McCabe, John T
McCabe, Hugh
McCahey, Thomas
McCanna, John
McCarthy, Jeremiah
McCarthy, John B
McCarthy, Michael
McCormack, Nathaniel
McCorry, Peter
McCrea, Terrence
McCutcheon, William
McDermott, Owen
McDonald, John
McDonald, Edward
McDonald, Hugh
McDonald, James
McEvoy, Joseph
McGinley, John
McGoon, John B
McGuire, Hugh
McKenzie, Angus C
McKernan, John
McKinley, Robert
McKissock, Robert
McLaughlin, John
McLaughlin, Bernard
McLaughlin, William
McMamarn, Peter
McMarms, John
McMorrow, John
McNabb, John
McNulty, Neal
McNulty, Thomas
McQuade, Thomas
Mercier, James P P
Miles, Newell
Mitchell, James F
Mollahan, Patrick
Monahan, James
Montague, Thomas
Moody, Edwin A
Moore, Ira W
Moran, Hugh D
Moran, James
Moran, John
Morgan, Henry
Morrill, Benjamin
Mulcahy, William
Mullen, James
Mullen, Michael J
Mulligan, Charles
Murkland, John
Mumford, Dudley C
Murphy, Dennis
Murphy, John
Murphy, Thomas
Murphy, John F
Murphy, Jeremiah
Murtagh, James
Murtle, John
Nabel, John
Nason, Royal T
Nelson, Andrew
Nelson, Robert
Nelson, Samuel
Newman, Charles H
Noonan, Michael
Norris, William
Norton, Bradford S
Nutter, Luther P
Oakes, James
Oates, Andrew
O’Brien, James
O’Brien, John J
O’Connell, James
O’Day, Patrick
O’Donnell, John
O’Grady, Thomas
O’Hare, Charles M
O’Neil, Dennis
O’Neil, John
Ordway, John H
O’Reiley, Patrick
O’Rourke, Patrick
Page, Lorenzo G
Page, Lucius
Page, Rinaldo
Paine, William
Palmer, William F
Parke, George F
Parke, Orrin R
Parmlee, Alfred
Parson, James W
Peabody, Hiram
Penn, Charles H
Peterson, William
Pettes, Andrew J
Page, Moses S
Paulint, Julius
Perkins, Solon A
Phelps, Elias A
Pierce, Ira
Pike, Charles C
Pike, Dominicus S
Plimpton, Samuel
Plumado, Oliver
Pollock, Thomas C
Polson, Frank B
Pomfret, Michael B
Prescott, Evander A
Proctor, Alvin L
Prouty, Sydney S
Purcell, John H
Putnam, Alonzo
Putnam, Alfred P
Quinn, Patrick
Quinn, Patrick
Quinn, Patrick
Rafferty, John
Ramsey, Neheniah
Randall, George P
Ray, Norman J
Ready, John
Reed, George E
Reed, John H
Reilly, Patrick
Reynolds, John S
Reynolds, Michael
Reynolds, Patrick
Richardson, Hudson H
Richardson, Luther L
Richie, Robert
Riley, Michael
Riley, Patrick
Riley, Patrick
Robers, Samuel E
Roche, David W
Roche, Maurice
Rourke, Dennis
Rowe, John
Rushworth, John B
Russell, Albert M
Russell, Daniel W
Russell, James J
Ryerson, Horace
Sanborn, Eben K
Sanborn, Levi C
Sargent, Charles D
Sawtell, Luther
Sawyer, Bernard H
Scannell, Ambrose P
Scully, John
Scully, John
Searles, George W
Searles, Henry D
Shannon, Charles
Shaughnessey, James
Shaw, Case S
Shea, John
Sheppard, James W
Sherman, George
Sherwell, Walter
Short, William
Simonds, Tomothy
Sleeper, George
Smith, Charles D
Smith, Edward
Smith, Henry L
Smith, John
Smith, Michael
Smith, Peter
Smith, William B
Smith, William F
Smith, William M
Smithson, George
Snell, David
Spaulding, E O
Spaulding, George W
Spaulding, Oscar A
Spaulding, Warren G
Stackpole, Emilus
Stanford, Freeman S
Stephens, Alexander
Stephens, John
Stevens, Warren H
Stevenson, Cushman S
Stewart, William
Stickney, Henry
Stong, Martin V B
Sullivan, Eugene
Sullivan, Jeremiah
Sullivan, Daniel
Sutherland, George
Swain, George W
Swath, James
Tanner, James
Taylor, Charles
Taylor, George E
Taylor, John Z
Tennay, John
Tetroe, Jeremiah
Thissell, Joseph W
Thomas, Richard E
Thompson, James G
Thompson, John
Thompson, Richard A
Thompson, William
Thorne, George H
Thurston, Anson G
Tighe, James
Tighe, Mathew D
Tighe, Patrick
Tilton, James L
Tracey, Thomas
Trull, Zenas B
Tryon, Joseph B
Tully, James
Tucker, Derby
Tweed, Harrison J
Tye, James
Unsworth, Richard
Waddle, James
Wallace, John A
Walsh, Michael
Ward, James F
Warner, William W
Waterman, Dexter W
Webster, William M
Wedgewood, Edwin S
Welden, Thomas
Weymouth, Uriah
Whalen, Philip
Wheat, Josiah G
Wheeler, John P
Whipple, Glavin
Whipple, Woodman
Whitcomb, Valentine
White, Harvey
Whitting, Joseph B
Whitney, Addison O
Whitney, James M
Whitten, Eben B
Whittier, Ruel B
Wilder, Charles
Williams, John
Willes, John
Wilson, George
Wilson, Joseph H
Wilson, Lafayette
Winsor, George Jr
Withee, Thompson H
Wood, John F
Wood, Harry
Woods, John
Woodward, George E
Worth, Charles H
Wright, Lewis C
Young, Albert C
Young, James