1955 Lowell Polling Places
There has been some controversy about the number and location of polling places for the upcoming city election. Here’s a look at the polling places used by the city 76 years ago in the 1955 city election. The places are organized by ward with the number preceding the name of the site the precinct number (most wards had four precincts although one had five and two had three).
Ward One
- Oakland School, 54 Sycamore street
- Johnson’s garage, Butnam road and Andover street
- High street Engine house
- Moody school, High street
Ward Two
- Eliot school, Favor street
- Demosthenes club, 266 Worthen street
- City of Lowell garage, Broadway
- Green school, Merrimack street
Ward Three
- Franklin school, Branch street
- Dover street school
- Morey school, Wilder street entrance
- Slattery’s store, 276 Branch street, corner of Dover street
- High J Molloy school, Smith street
Ward Four
- Lincoln school, Chelmsford street
- London street school
- Morey school, Morey street entrance
- Laura Lee school, Chelmsford street, corner Parker street
Ward Five
- Centralville Social club, Lakeview avenue, opposite Exeter street
- Greenhalge school, Ennell street
- Garage, 327 Hildreth street
- Tenth street school, 57 Tenth street
Ward Six
- Fire house, Mammoth road
- Pawtucketville Social Club, Textile avenue
- Eames Hall, Riverside street entrance
- Pawtucket school, Fourth avenue entrance
Ward Seven
- Bartlett school
- Bartlett school
- Morrill school, Adams street
- CMAC, Pawtucket street
Ward Eight
- Fire house, Pine and Stevens streets
- Pine street school
- St Margaret’s school, Stevens street
- Middlesex Village school, 1736 Middlesex street
Ward Nine
- Fourth street fire house
- West Sixth street pumping station, Jewett street entrance
- Varnum school, Sixth street
Ward Ten
- Pond street school, corner High street
- Central street school
- Lyon street school
- Portuguese American Civic league, 512 Central street
Ward Eleven
- Lawrence street fire house
- Carter street school
- Riverside school, South Lowell
- Weed street school