Tom Sexton: New Poem
We have a new poem from Tom Sexton in Alaska, an avid reader of the blog and regular contributor. Tom’s Lowell poems will be published by Loom Press later this year in a collection titled Cummiskey Alley. Tom grew up in the city and now counts among his honors his selection as a Distinguished Alumni of Lowell High School and his appointment to serve as Poet Laureate of Alaska some years back. His most recent book is Li Bai Rides a Celestial Dolphin Home (University of Alaska Press).
Far from Either Coast
for PM
An email from a poet I met once years
ago who lives on an island visited
only by family or by the undertaker,
his quip. He’s like a voice out of the mist
I tell my wife, a solitary, almost a ghost
before he begins to name-drop other poets
even a few who live far from either coast.
I’m flattered I tell the dog who wants to go.
Poets are as necessary as our first love
he writes. I feel like a pitcher about to balk
so I put on my coat then my winter gloves.
Light fluffy snow, perfect for a long walk,
but still I wonder why do I write poetry
knowing I might as well be asking the snow.
—Tom Sexton (c) 2020