A Message from the folks at Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!, the organization that has been producing literary activities in Lowell since the late 1980s.

To Our Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Friends:
You are invited to a program that accompanies an Exhibit of some of the posters from many of the Lowell Celebrates Kerouac Festivals held in previous years. This Exhibit is on display on the mezzanine level of O’Leary Library of UMass Lowell, located on the UML South Campus at 61 Wilder Street.
The Program will take place this Thursday, November 21, at 7:00 p.m. at the site of the Exhibit. It will be a shared presentation by LCK Committee members Steve Edington and Suzanne Beebe on “Buddhism, Catholicism, and Jack Kerouac’s Spiritual Travels.” Steve will offer a narrative interspersed with poems by Suzanne.
The presentation—narrative and poems—will show both the intermingling, as well as the tension, in Jack Kerouac’s spirituality between the Catholicism in which he was raised and professed throughout his life, and the Buddhism to which he became strongly attracted in the mid-1950s. Particular attention will be given to this interplay as it is shown in Kerouac novels Visions of Gerard and The Dharma Bums.
The program is open to all. A discussion will follow. Light refreshments will be available. |