Get Your Big Blog Book This Saturday

Book launching for HISTORY AS IT HAPPENS: Citizen Bloggers in Lowell, Mass.

Saturday, August 5, 2017, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm, at Lowell Telecommunications Corp., 246 Market St, Market Mills, Downtown Lowell.

The book has writing and pictures from the first ten years (2007-16) of the blog. Forty contributors are included, from the blog regulars to special guests like Henri Marchand, Tony Sampas, Nancye Tuttle, Fred Faust, Sengly Kong, Tom Sexton, Derek Mitchell, Jim Peters, Bopha Malone, Colleen Brady, Mehmed Ali and Beth Brassel, Bob Forrant, John Edward, Kate Hanson Foster, Chath Piersath, Bob Hodge, Matt Miller, Jaquelyn Malone, and many more.

502 pages. No kidding. A big fat book. And a special one-day price of $10 at the launch (regular $20 retail price). Loom Press is the publisher.

Join us for the celebration. Free parking in the National Park lot off Dutton Street.

The party starts just as this week’s Lowell Walk concludes, and participants will be led right to the book party the same way a blockbuster museum exhibit finishes in the customized gift shop.

If you can’t get to the event, you can order a copy online very soon. Visit at the end of the week. We will have the book on soon also.