John F. Quealey, 1936-2016
John Quealey died last week and was buried yesterday. Many attended his wake at Fay-McCabe Funeral Home. While there, Tony Sampas captured the following images:

Collage of pictures at John’s wake. Photo by Tony Sampas.

Certificate of Appreciation from Lowell Cemetery to John. Photo by Tony Sampas.
When I became Register of Deeds, John was a custodian at the courthouse. We saw each other daily, and always spoke of Lowell, its people, places, and events. John also was the official gate-keeper of Lowell Cemetery, which was just around the corner from his house. That made him a regular on the cemetery tours I’ve given through the years. John was also a constant presence at political, social, cultural, civic, and religious events in Lowell. He was one of the many people who make Lowell such an interesting place to live.

John on Lucy Larcom Park during Lowell Folk Festival.

John and friends outside St. Patrick’s Church after opening mass of Irish Cultural Week.

John wishing me well at the start of a Lowell Cemetery tour.
Dick, thank you for this post. I did not know that John had passed away. I did not know him, but I used to see him every morning on Moore or Lawrence Street as he made his way down to the cemetery to open it up. I and a friend from State Street would call him “the walker”, At that time, I didn’t know who he was. May he rest in peace!