Public Art on the Bridge! By Mimi Parseghian
Mimi Parseghian, a veteran of the Lowell blogosphere, shares the first of what we hope are many story and photos on our site. The following is from Mimi:
Every day I drive from the southwest section of Lowell to the northeast area. This route gives a good view of city life, not only downtown but the neighborhoods also.
Last Friday, while travelling North on the Cox Bridge (Bridge Street), I noticed public art that had been affixed to the diagonal beams. It was three signs, designed in the form of a speech balloon that we see in comics. It was on white cardboard with back lettering, affixed to the bridge beam with double-sided tape.
As I drove by, the messages were unknown to me, except for the words Marcelleus Wallacs (sic); a character from one of my favorite films, “Pulp Fiction.”

Photos by Mimi Parseghian
Although I do not know the artist’s reasoning in choosing these three comments, I appreciate his or her attempt to make a change in the routine of all those commuters and pedestrians who use that bridge. And yes, I Googled the other two comments.
Unfortunately, two of the signs are now missing. I did not expect it to be permanent but I had hoped that it would have stayed a bit longer to create some discussion and perhaps imitators.
I know we have a strict ordinance against graffiti but this was not defacing any public or private property. At worst, it was littering, but then, have you walked on that bridge lately?