Congratulations to Mayor Armand LeMay

Armand LeMay (right) with Richard Howe Sr. in 2012
Congratulations to former Lowell Mayor and City Councilor Armand W. LeMay. This coming Saturday, June 28, 2014 at 11 am, the city of Lowell will formally dedicate the Armand W. LeMay Garden which is located on University Avenue, directly across the street from the Pawtucketville Social club (which is at 123 University Ave).
Here are the city elections in which Armand W. LeMay was on the ballot with his place of finish and number of votes listed for each:
1967 – finished 8th with 11,894 votes
1969 – finished 6th with 12,600 votes
1971 – finished 10th with 14,585 votes (3 incumbents lost this year)
1973 – finished 1st with 15,039 votes and was elected Mayor
1975 – finished 2nd with 14,786 votes
1977 – finished 1st with 11,538 votes
1979 – finished 1st with 10,558 votes
1981 – finished 2nd with 9,318 votes
1983 – finished 3rd with 9.583 votes
1985 – finished 4th with 6,182 votes
1987 – did not run but his son, Curtis LeMay did. He finished 7th

Armand LeMay (far right) endorsing Niki Tsongas in 2010 with former Lowell Mayors Brian Martin, Bill Martin, Jim Milinazzo, Rita Mercier, Tsongas, Richard Howe Sr and Bud Caulfield
What? No Bridge? If anyone deserves a bridge, it’s Armand. He was, and still is, the best. OK so first a garden, then a bridge. Or better yet, a major rotary… Armand, thank you for all you did for this magnificent city.. You were always one of the major players in Lowell preventing it from crumbling to oblivion, You were passionate and active and you played a major roll in making Lowell the magnificent Historic and art destination city it is what it is.. Thank you Armand. Thank you so very much.
An incredible man who I had the privilege of knowing all of my life. Armand and Connie and my parents were dear friends for many years. I loved working on his campaigns as a kid and saw him doing many wonderful things for the city of Lowell. He is one of the reasons I got involved in my community of Chelmsford. His many friends and family can truly be very proud of him.
Armand,this is Normand Pinette still residing in New Hampton N.H. Congratulations On yet another milestone in your life. You have been such a good person,you helped many including myself. I think of you and your wife often. Good fortune to you your wife and children. Norm Pinette