Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Meet Tomorrow ~ Saturday March 15, 2014
Reminder ~ the next GLAD Meeting is tomorrow / SATURDAY!
The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD ) will be tomorrow Saturday March 15, 2014 at 8:00 AM SHARP! in our usual location in the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford. (Some members may be leaving to attend Paul Sheehy’s funeral in Lowell so we will move the speaking program and agenda expeditiously.)
AGENDA: The regular agenda will include: the report of the Chair; Ad Hoc event committee first report; delegate caucuses update; candidate updates for the 2014 Constitutional and other races; activities of Democratic State Committee; 2014 nominating convention updates and other topics on the minds of GLAD members, associates and guests.