Irish Flag Raising
Irish Cultural Week kicked off yesterday with a mass at St. Patrick Church followed by a parade to City Hall for the raising of the Irish flag and the laying of a wreath at the Irish monument on Cardinal O’Connell Parkway (above).
Events continue this week with a showing of the excellent film, Once, on Tuesday night at the Lowell Beer Works. This event is co-Sponsored by the Lowell Irish Cultural Committee and the Lowell Film Collaborative. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the film begins at 7:00 PM. It is free but you are also free to donate $5 at the door.
On Thursday, the annual Acre Forum will be held at the Lowell National Park Visitor Center at 245 Market Street. The title of this year’s forum is “Made in Lowell: The Story of Lowell’s Irish Community.” The forum will feature the premiere of a short film produced by Robert Rafferty with historian David McKean. The movie uses hours of interviews, oral history, family traditions, folklore, film reels and photos to depict life in the Acre. Immediately following the film will be the presentation of the second annual Anam Cara awards. The term Anam Cara in Gaelic is translated as Soul Friend. It represents one who has bound themselves to another through an act of friendship and belonging. We recognize the contributions of those who have shared their time, treasures, and talents in preserving and promoting Lowell’s Irish Culture.
On Saturday at 10 am is Dave McKean’s outstanding Walking Tour of the Acre. Beginning at the National Park Visitor Center at 245 Market Street, the tour takes you back in time to life in the Acre in the 1800s.

Mayor Elliott, Rep Murphy, Councilors Mercier & Rourke