Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD) To Meet ~ Saturday January 11, 2014
Reminder ~ the next GLAD Meeting this coming SATURDAY!
Greater Lowell Area Democrats (GLAD )Regular Breakfast meetings resume for 2014 on Saturday January 11, 2014 at 8:00 AM SHARP! in the PARKHURST ROOM at the Radisson Hotel Rte. 110 in Chelmsford. (The Parkhurst Room is nearby the Grill – we are moving to allow 62 young lady skaters to have breakfast together.)
AGENDA: The regular agenda for the first meeting since our holiday break and the first of the New Year will include: the financial report; the delegate caucus schedule; rules discussion for the 2014 nominating convention; candidates for the 2014 Constitutional and other races; activities of Democratic State Committee; dates for upcoming GLAD meetings and other topics on the minds of GLAD members, associates and guests.