Chris Scott writes about the Richard Howe Bridge
In today’s Column blog, the Sun’s Chris Scott writes about the ongoing construction of the Richard Howe Bridge and about the man for whom the structure is named, Richard P. Howe Sr. (who is also my dad). The first few paragraphs of Chris’s post and a link to the full story follow the picture:

photo of Richard Howe Bridge from The Column blog of Lowell Sun
Former city councilor and mayor Richard P. Howe hit a milestone Dec. 30, as the Highlands resident and proud Lowellian turned 80.
The bridge that will carry his name, now under construction over the Merrimack River, also reached a milestone Tuesday. The last gigantic piece of its blue steel under-carriage was delicately guided into place by burly Walsh Construction Co. ironworkers.
Mike Verseckes, a spokesman for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, said the $32 million project that will connect Merrimack Street to University Avenue at UMass Lowell — while replacing the commonly known University Avenue Bridge just downstream — is on schedule for completion in September 2014.
Over 40 years on the City Council — with eight as its mayor — Howe proudly carried the reputation of a contrarian, particularly if the adversary was a city manager.
But he’s not opposed to having a bridge carry his name. (read the rest HERE).
Great story about your dad. I am hoping that the university will do something for the Lowell Textile students memorialized by the Textile Memorial Bridge which will be demolished. Time moves on but we need to remember the great sacrifice of these men during WW2. This generation is slowly fading away and we can not forget.
As I understand it, there will be a portion of the Textile Memorial Bridge preserved as an overlook, on the Pawtucket Street side.
View this video for what might have been:
I’m no less disappointed now by the final decision to raze the bridge, as I’m convinced the right approach to advocating for its preservation in 2007 would have succeeded, and the “Jewel of the River Walk” would remain for current and future generations to use and enjoy.
This is why I feel the need to push when it comes to City planning. What else will we lose 5 years from now, because we were ill informed today. Please get involved. Your participation in advocating for what matters to you (and your family) in this City matters!