Bernie & Bill
No, I’m not writing about Bernie Lynch today. “Bernie & Bill” is the name of a new exhibit at Lowell’s Whistler House Museum of Art featuring the works of Lowell artists Bernard Petruzziello and Vassilios “Bill” Giavis. Both produce excellent work but I’ve long been a fan of Bill Giavis. He, together with Janet Lambert Moore, for decades helped sustain the arts scene in the city, creating a bridge from the city’s past to the new generation of artists that have filled the town in recent years. Both Bill and Janet celebrate the city – it’s people, buildings, and street scenes – in their work.
The Whistler House is located at 243 Worthen Street in Lowell and is open Wednesday through Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The Bernie & Bill exhibit runs through October 27, 2012.

Vassilios “Bill” Giavis – self-portrait