The Irish are coming – and need your support
History is not a set story inscribed on stone tablets that last forever. Instead, history is a series of inferences that are based on evidence. As new evidence is discovered, those inferences change and so history is constantly evolving. An amazing example of that process has been taking place right here in Lowell over the past few summers. A team of archaeologists from Queen’s University in Belfast in partnership with University of Massachusetts Lowell, have conducted archaeological excavations of the front lawn of St. Patrick’s Church.
Compelling evidence of early Irish life in Lowell is lodged beneath a few feet of topsoil right along Suffolk Street and these historical detectives are determined to unearth that evidence in the first step of informing us of how some of our earliest residents (who were also the ancestors of some of us) lived, worked, worshiped and went about their daily lives. Since these folks were too busy surviving to keep diaries or write letters, the articles they left behind are the best evidence of their lives and lifestyles.
The team from Ireland will return to Lowell next week and begin their work anew. The project is not without cost, however, and for it to continue, the community must step up and help defray some of the cost. So please consider attending a fundraiser to benefit this archaeological investigation next Wednesday night, July 18, 2012 from 6 to 8 pm at the Hurley Residence, 100 Belmont Ave in Lowell. The requested donation is $75 per person. Checks payable to “UMass Lowell” can be mailed to Victoria Denoon, UMass Lowell, 2 Solomont Way, Lowell, MA 01854. If you wish to pay at the door, please rsvp to Victoria via email at no later than July 16.