Greater Lowell Area Democrats to Meet Tomorrow Saturday October 15, 2011
The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats is scheduled for tomorrow Saturday October 15, 20011 – at 8am SHARP at the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford.
State Representative Tom Conroy and Marisa DeFranco – both candidates for the U. S. Senate – are planning to attend the meeting to talk to members and take their questions.
DSC member Sue Kennedy will do a presentation on behalf of the Communications Committee.
The regular agenda will include ongoing topics such as the status of state redistricting plans; updates on the candidates for the US Senate Democratic nomination and a report on the recent UMASS Lowell debate; dates and deadlines for local ward and town committee filings; tickets/housekeeping details on the Annual Brunch; discussion of the delegate selection caucus window and other topics on the minds of members.
GLAD Members, Associates and interested Democrats are invited to attend the GLAD meetings along with elected and appointed officials.
Directions: Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel – Exit 34/Rte. 495 – take right off Rte 110 at the hotel sign / parking in front and behind the hotel.