In the Merrimack Valley: A Difference of Opinion on Casino Bill

Jonathan Phelps has a story in the Eagle-Tribune about a difference of opinion among two Merrimack Valley legislators – Senator Steve Baddour (D-Methuen) and Barry Finegold (D-Andover) and former State Senator Sue Tucker. Tucker – who did not seek reelection – is  a longtime opponent of casinos and slots and has been  working with United to Stop Slots in Massachusetts, a non-partisan organization opposed to “predatory gambling” in the state.

State Senator Barry Finegold who succeeded Tucker in the Second Essex Middlesex District seat  is also against the expanded gaming bill while State Senator Steven Baddour supports it.  Finegold rejects the predicted economic claims while Baddour sees the casino bill creating  short and long-term jobs. Tucker sees the bill as “a rip off for Massachusetts.”

Read the full article here at the

3 Responses to In the Merrimack Valley: A Difference of Opinion on Casino Bill

  1. kad barma says:

    Industry that creates no wealth is far less valuable than that which does. We’re wasting our time filling the state with dead-ends like casinos when we ought to be leveraging our edge in higher education to concentrate on things like bio tech and medicine.