Community Briefing on Pawtucket Falls Area Projects, Sat. 4/30

“A Community Briefing on Pawtucket Falls Overlook/Spalding House Park Developments.”
 Learn about exciting plans for improvements and upgrades that will enhance public access to and visibility of these significant historic locations on both sides of the Merrimack River at the falls.
Speakers from City of Lowell, Lowell National Historical Park, Lowell Heritage Partnership, and others. Featured presentation by historic architect Charles Parrott of the National Park Service about development plans for both the Pawtucket Falls Overlook on the north bank of the Merrimack River near the intersection of Mammoth Road and Pawtucket Boulevard and Spalding House Park on the south bank adjacent to the Pawtucket Falls Gatehouse.
Spalding House Park behind the Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust’s 18th-century Spalding House at 383 Pawtucket Street. Park in former Red Cross building lot next door.
Saturday, April 30, 10 am to 11.30 am
Show up and show your support for these developments!