Greater Lowell Area Dems (GLAD) to Meet on Saturday April 16, 2011
The next regular breakfast meeting of Greater Lowell Area Democrats will be held this coming Saturday April 16, 20011 at 8am at the Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford. The regular agenda will include: ongoing topics such as the status of the 5th District and legislative redistricting plans and the Joint Redistricting Committee hearing schedule and website as well as the host committee plans for the MDP Convention in Lowell (June 4, 2011). There will be a discussion of the workships and panels planned for the state convention. State committee members will report the proceedings of the April 13th DSC meeting. Local and federal legislative activities continue to be on the agenda – especially the federal FY ’12 budget, proposed cuts and the resulting fall-out, the state and local budgets and the budgetary philosophy and other related topics.
Bob Massie, a candidate for the U. S. Senate will be a special guest who will address members and take their questions. Massie will be remembered by activists as the Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor back in 1994 on the ticket with nominee for Governor Mark Roosevelt.
GLAD Members, Associates and interested Democrats are invited to attend the GLAD meetings along with elected and appointed officials.
Directions: Independence Grill at the Radisson Hotel – Exit 34/Rte. 495 – take right off Rte 110 at the hotel sign / parking in front and behind the hotel.